Thursday, May 17, 2012

Yes, I still know how to post....

I have been completely neglecting my photography and my blog needs tons of attention but with warm weather arriving early this spring, I decided that I needed to focus my attention on all outdoor projects before it got hotter than 14 hells as it does here in the lowcountry! That was in March ...its now May and I'm nearly done with the bulk of it (I think) or at least what can be done within my capabilities.
I AM anxious to spend some time with the camera soon ..... hoping to have more posts to come in the near future!
For today however I do have a special one....My husband's cousin was in a panic last week because there had been a mishap with her photos to be used in her graduation invitations and she needed new ones, real quick-like ... of course I was happy to help out. I guess it doesn't always occur to me how fast time flies until it is put into some sort of perspective.... Well how's this for perspective, when my husband and I started dating she was just a baby! Oh damn! ...Let me do the math because now sitting on the dock in these photos is a beautiful young lady about to graduate high school ! Wait, whhaaaattt! YEP time has indeed flown! .....sigh,I'm feeling a tidbit old now haha.
It was a rush job but I think we got some ...

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