Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Savannah Engagement - Brett & Christine

So, I get an email from my husbands cousin Brett asking if I would be interested in shooting his engagement photos, saying that he wanted to give family first dibs to shoot "all this sexy" hahahahaha. He soon clarified that he really meant his gorgeous fiance Christine (Duh!) but after less than 10 minutes of shooting ...."all this sexy" I have to say is the two of them together! Brett and Christine, thank you so much for the opportunity to photograph you guys!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

I have a blog! SWEET! ...why a blog you ask? well, my family and many of my friends have been encouraging me to start a business and have honestly struggled with this decision. I am not a 'professional' photographer.... I do not have the education, many many years of experiance, publication, thousands of dollars worth of gear and software, however I DO believe I have a good eye and a unique style. On the flip side, Do I really want to turn my hobby into a business? Will I lose the passion, love and giddiness I feel when I know I have gotten a great shot? "What to do What to do" has been running through my head for about a year now , then I remembered a friend once saying "you only go around once", so I figured why not & finally made the decision to take a baby step and start this blog. Here I can post my photos and any randomness that pops into my head (which happens often !) and if anyone likes what they see...I am open to discussing a session! So, welcome! I am just learning the ropes on "blogging" and will do my best to keep up, please keep dropping by to visit and see whats new!
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